What foods can I eat with braces?
You can still enjoy most of your favourite foods during treatment with braces, but a few adjustments might need to be made to protect your appliance. Very hard and sticky foods can dislodge your brackets and lengthen your treatment time, and sugary foods can cause cavities.
Some food to avoid include:
- Chewy foods (bagels, licorice)
- Crunchy foods (popcorn, nuts, chips, ice)
- Sticky foods (caramels, chewing gum)
Some hard and chewy foods can be cut into bite-size pieces before eating. These include hard fruits like apples, crusty sandwiches, and chewy meats like steak. We recommend sticking to softer foods when possible. Some safe foods to eat during treatment with braces include:
- Soft fruits (applesauce, bananas)
- Soft grains (pasta, cooked rice)
- Soft vegetables (mashed potatoes, steamed greens, soft beans, corn-off-the-cob)
- Seafood (tuna, salmon, crab cakes, fish)
- Breads (tortillas, pancakes, nutless muffins)
- Dairy products (soft cheese, yoghurt, milk-based drinks)
These lists are not exhaustive, so if you aren’t sure what you should or shouldn’t eat, please ask our friendly staff.